Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04

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Moving Around >
Epsilon's bookmark commands
let you store the current editing position, so that you can easily
return to it later. To drop a bookmark at point, use the Alt-/ key.
For each bookmark, Epsilon remembers the buffer and the place within
that buffer. Later, when you want to jump to that place, press
Alt-j. Epsilon remembers the last 10 bookmarks that you set with
Alt-/. To cycle through the last 10 bookmarks, you can press Alt-j and
keep pressing it until you arrive at the desired bookmark.
The tagging commands set a bookmark automatically before they move to
a new location. You can set the set-bookmark-automatically
variable to 1 if you want searching commands to do the same.
You can set a named bookmark with the Ctrl-x / key. The command prompts
you for a letter, then associates the current buffer and position
with that letter. To jump to a named bookmark, use the Ctrl-x j key.
It prompts you for the letter, then jumps to that bookmark.
Instead of a letter, you can specify a digit (0 to 9). In that case,
the number refers to one of the temporary bookmarks that you set with
the Alt-/ key. Zero refers to the last temporary bookmark, 1 to the
one before that, and so on.
Whenever one of these commands asks you to specify a character for a
bookmark, you can get a list by pressing "?". Epsilon then pops up a
list of the bookmarks you've defined, along with a copy of the line
that contains the bookmark. You can simply move to one of the lines
and press <Enter> to select that bookmark. In a list of
bookmarks, press D to delete the highlighted bookmark.
The command list-bookmarks works like the Ctrl-x j key, but
automatically pops up the list of bookmarks to choose from. If you
like, you can bind it to Ctrl-x j to get that behavior.
Standard bindings:

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.