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Regular Expression Assertions
You can force
Epsilon to reject any potential match that does not line up
appropriately with a line boundary, by using the "^" and "$"
assertions. A "^" assertion specifies a beginning-of-line match,
and a "$" assertion specifies an end-of-line match. For example, if
you search for ^new|waste in the following line, it would match
the indicated section:
And with old woes new wail my dear times's waste;
Even though the word "new" occurs before "waste", it does
not appear at the beginning of the line, so Epsilon rejects it.
Other assertions use Epsilon's angle-bracket syntax. Like the
assertions ^ and $ , these don't match any specific
characters, but a potential match will be rejected if the assertion
isn't true at that point in the pattern.
| Assertion | Meaning |
| ^ | At the start of a line. |
| $ | At the end of a line. |
| <bob> or <bof> | At the start of the buffer. |
| <eob> or <eof> | At the end of the buffer. |
For example, searching for <bob>sometext<eob> won't
succeed unless the buffer contains only the eight character string
sometext .
You can create new assertions from character classes specified
with the angle bracket syntax by adding [ , ] or / at the
start of the pattern.
| Assertion | Meaning |
| <[class> | The next character matches class, the previous one does not. |
| <]class> | The previous character matches class, the next one does not. |
| </class> | Either of the above. |
The class in the above syntax is a | -separated or
& -separated list of one or more single characters, character
names like Space or Tab, character numbers like #32 or #9 ,
ranges of any of these, character class names like Word or Digit, or
Unicode property specifications. See Character Classes for
details on character classes.
For example, </word> matches at a word boundary, and
<]word> matches at the end of a word. The pattern
<]0-9|a-f> matches at the end of a run of hexadecimal
digits. The pattern (cat|[0-9])</digit>(dog|[0-9])
matches cat3 or 4dog , but not catdog or 42 . The
pattern <[p:cyrillic> matches at the start of a run of Cyrillic
Color Class Assertions
Another type of
assertion matches based on the next character's color class for syntax
highlighting. <^c:*comment>printf finds uses of printf that
aren't commented out. <[c:perl-string>" finds " characters that
start a string in Perl mode, ignoring those that end it, or appear quoted
inside it, or in comments or other places.
The text after the c: is a simple filename-style pattern that will
be matched against the name of the color class: * matches zero or
more characters, ? matches any single character, and simple ranges
with [] are allowed. A character with no syntax highlighting
applied will match the name "none". This type of assertion may
start with ^ to invert the matching rules, or with / , [
or ] to match color boundaries.
To apply more than one assertion to a character, put them in sequence.
<^c:perl-string><^c:*comment>printf finds instances of printf that
are in neither Perl strings nor comments.
You can use the set-color command to see the color class names
Epsilon uses.
When you combine assertions with operators * or + , you
must use parentheses to specify that the assertion applies to each
character. (<^c:*-comment><any>)+ matches a run of non-comment
characters. Without the parentheses the assertion only applies to the
first character of the run.
In extension language code, use the do_color_searching( )
subroutine if your regular expression might include syntax
highlighting assertions, which ensures the buffer's syntax
highlighting is up to date.
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Regular Expression Commands |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.