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Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Variable Reference >
clipboard-format: preference variable
Default value: 0
By default, when the Windows Console version of
Epsilon puts characters on the MS-Windows clipboard and it can't put
them there in Unicode format, it lets Windows translate the characters
from the DOS/OEM character set to Windows ANSI. Epsilon needs to do
this so that national characters display correctly. When Epsilon
retrieves characters from the clipboard, it has Windows perform the
reverse translation.
But each character set contains some characters that the other does
not, so that copying characters in one direction and then back can
change the characters. Instead, you can tell Epsilon to copy
characters without translating them. Then copying back and forth will
never change the characters, but Epsilon for DOS and Windows won't
display the same symbols for any character except the original ASCII
printable characters (32 to 127).
Setting this variable to 7 makes Epsilon tell Windows that all text in
Epsilon is in the OEM character set, and Windows must translate
between DOS/OEM and Windows ANSI. Setting the variable to 1 makes
Epsilon tell Windows that all text in Epsilon uses the Windows ANSI
character set, so no translating is necessary. The default value of
zero makes Epsilon translate only when appropriate. (Epsilon uses the
value of this variable as the "clipboard format" to ask Windows for;
you can see the raw clipboard data Windows uses by setting the
variable to other values, if you like.)
Epsilon for Unix uses this variable to decide which of two X11 system
clipboards it should use. A zero value makes Epsilon use the
"clipboard selection" used by newer software, a value of one makes
it use the "primary selection".
More info:
Clipboard Access
clipboard-convert-unicode |
Variable Reference |
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Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.