Lugaru's Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Command Reference >
Substitute for replace expressions. | Alt-* |
This command functions like query-replace, but starts in regular
expression mode. - pat1
| pat2 - matches either pat1 or pat2.
- pat
* - matches zero or more matches of pat.
- pat
+ - matches one or more matches of pat.
- pat
? - matches zero or one matches of pat.
- [abx]
- matches any of the characters a, b, or x.
- [^abx]
- matches any but a, b, or x.
- [a-z3]
- matches a, b, c, ... z, or 3.
- .
- matches any character except newline.
- ( )
- group patterns for
+ , * , ? , and | .
- ^
- only matches at the beginning of a line.
- $
- only matches at the end of a line.
- <#50>
- means the character with ASCII code 50.
- %
- removes the special meaning from the following character, so that
%$ matches only $.
- !
- marks the end of the match. The command does not change any
characters that match the pattern after the exclamation point.
In the replacement text, #1 means substitute the part of the text
that matched the first parenthesized pattern piece. For example, using
regex-replace to replace "([A-Z][a-z]+)([.!?]) " with "#2
ends #1 " changes the text "Howard!" to "! ends Howard". #0
means to substitute the whole match. #U forces any following
replacement text to uppercase, #L and #C to lowercase or
capitalized. #E ends such case modifications; the remaining
replacement text will be substituted as-is. #S substitutes the
next alternative, when the search pattern consists of simple
alternative bits of fixed text separated by | 's. Characters may be
included by name in replacement text using the syntax #<Newline> ,
which substitutes a <Newline> character.
More info:
Regular Expressions
Regular Expression Commands

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.