Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Variable Reference >
show-spaces: preference buffer-specific variable
Default value: 0
Bits in this variable control whether Epsilon displays special symbols
on the screen for each <Space>, <Tab>, or <Newline> character in the
buffer, to make them easily visible. The value 1 enables this use
of special symbols.
Other bits may be used to disable this feature for individual
characters. The values 2 , 4 , and 8 keep Epsilon from using
its special symbols for <Space>, <Tab>, and <Newline>, respectively.
Epsilon uses a special symbol only if the 1 bit is present and
that particular character's disabling bit is not.
More info:
Customizing the Screen

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.