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Dired Subroutines
int dired_one(char *files) /* dired.e */
int create_dired_listing(char *files)
int make_dired(char *files)
int do_remote_dired(char *files)
int do_dired(char *files)
int is_dired_buf() /* dired.e */
The dired_one( ) subroutine takes a file
name pattern as its argument and acts just like the dired
command does, making a dired buffer, filling it and putting it in
dired mode. It puts its pattern in a standard form and chooses a
suitable buffer name, then calls the create_dired_listing( )
subroutine. This function prepares the buffer and displays suitable
messages, then calls make_dired( ).
The make_dired( ) subroutine handles FTP dired requests by
calling do_remote_dired( ), and passes local dired requests
to the do_dired( ) primitive to fill the buffer with
directory information.
Each of these routines takes a file name with wildcard characters
such as * and ?, and inserts in the current buffer exactly what the
dired command does (see Directory Editing). Each returns
0 normally, and 1 if there were no matches.
By default, the do_dired( ) primitive ignores the abort key. To
permit aborting a long file match, set the primitive variable
abort_file_matching using save_var to tell Epsilon what to
do when the user presses the abort key. See Listing Commands & Buffers & Files for details.
The is_dired_buf( ) subroutine returns
1 if the current buffer is a dired buffer, otherwise 0 .
dired_standardize(char *files)
standardize_remote_pathname(char *files)
remote_dirname_absolute(char *dir)
drop_dots(char *path)
Sometimes there are several interchangeable ways to write a
particular file pattern. For example, /dir1/dir2/* always makes
the same list of files as /dir1/dir2/ or /dir1/dir2 . The
dired_standardize( ) primitive converts a dired pattern to its
simplest form, in place. In the example, the last pattern is
considered the simplest form.
The standardize_remote_pathname( ) subroutine is similar, but
operates on FTP and SCP URLs. It calls several other subroutines to
The remote_dirname_absolute( ) subroutine converts a relative
remote pathname to an absolute one in place. It performs an FTP or
SCP operation to get the user's home directory, then inserts it into
the given pathname.
The drop_dots( ) subroutine removes . and interprets
.. in a pathname, modifying it in place. It removes any ..
components at the start of a path.
zeroed buffer char dired_format;
#define DF_UNIX 1
#define DF_SIMPLE 2
#define DF_OLDNT 3
#define DF_VMS 4
int get_dired_item(char *prefix, int func)
The dired command supports several different formats for
directory listings. Besides the standard format it uses for local
directory listings, as generated by the do_dired( ) primitive, it
understands the directory listings generated by FTP servers that run
on Unix systems (and the many servers on other operating systems that
use the same format), as well as several others.
The detect_dired_format( ) subroutine determines the proper
format by scanning a dired buffer, and sets the dired_format
variable as appropriate. A value of 0 indicates the default,
local directory format. The other values represent other formats.
Various subroutines in dired use the get_dired_item( )
subroutine to help locate format-specific functions or variables, to
do tasks that depend on the particular format. The subroutine takes
a prefix like "dired-isdir- " and looks for a function named
dired_isdir_unix() (assuming the dired_format variable
indicates Unix). It returns the name table index of the function it
found, if there is one, or zero otherwise.
If its parameter func is nonzero, it looks only for functions; if
zero, it looks only for variables. You can use an expression like
(* (int (*)()) i)() to call the function (assuming i is the
value returned by get_dired_item( )), or an expression like
get_str_var(i) to get the value of a variable given its index.
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Primitives and EEL Subroutines |
Manipulating File Names |

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.