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File Primitives >
Manipulating File Names
absolute(char *file, ?char *dir)
relative(char *abs, char *rel, ?char *dir)
int is_relative(char *fname)
Because the current directory can change, through use of the
chdir( ) primitive described above, Epsilon normally keeps file
names in absolute pathname form, with all the defaults in the name
made explicit. It converts a file name to the appropriate relative
pathname whenever it displays the name (for example, in the mode
The absolute( ) primitive takes a pointer to a character array
containing a file name. It makes the file name be an absolute
pathname, with all the defaults made explicit. For example, if the
default drive is B:, the current directory is
/harold/papers, the path_sep variable is "\" and
the 80 character array fname contains "proposal"; calling
absolute( ) with the argument fname makes fname contain
The primitive relative( ) does the reverse. It takes a file
name in absolute form and puts an equivalent relative file name in a
character array. Unlike absolute( ), which modifies its
argument in place, relative( ) makes a copy of the argument
with the changes. If the default drive is B:, the
current directory is \harold and the 80 character array abs
contains B:\harold\papers\proposal, calling
relative(abs, rel); puts "papers\proposal" in the string
array rel . You can also get a relative file name by using the
%r format specifier in any Epsilon primitive that accepts a
printf-style format string.
The relative( ) and absolute( ) primitives each take an
optional additional argument, which names a directory. The
absolute( ) primitive assumes that any relative file names in
its first argument are relative to the directory named by the second
argument. (If the second argument is missing or null, the primitive
assumes that relative file names are relative to the current
directory.) Similarly, if you provide a third argument to the
relative( ) primitive, it makes file names relative to the
specified directory, instead of the current directory.
Note that in EEL string or character constants, the \ character
begins an escape sequence, and you must double it if the character
\ is to appear in a string. Thus the Windows file name
\harold\papers must appear in an EEL program as the string
"\\harold\\papers" .
The is_relative( ) primitive returns nonzero if the file name
looks like a relative pathname, not an absolute pathname. (It's not
intended for use with URLs.)
char *get_tail(char *file, ?int dirok)
The get_tail( ) primitive takes a string containing a file name
and returns a pointer to a position in the string after the name of the
last directory. For example, suppose that file is the string
"/harold/papers/proposal". Then
get_tail(file, 0)
would return a pointer to "proposal".
Since the pointer returned is to the original string, you can use this
primitive to modify that string. Using the above example, a
strcpy(get_tail(file, 0), "sample");
would make file contain the string
"/harold/papers/sample". The dirok argument says what to do
with a file name ending with a separator character "\" or "/".
If dirok is nonzero the primitive returns a pointer to right
after the final separator character. If dirok is zero, however,
the primitive returns a pointer to the first character of the final
directory name. (If file contains no directory name, the
primitive returns a pointer to its first character when dirok is
char *get_extension(char *file)
The get_extension( ) primitive returns a pointer to the final
extension of the file name given as its argument. For example, an
invocation of
would return a pointer to
the ".c" part, and get_extension("text") would return a pointer to
the null character at the end of the string. Like get_tail( ),
you can use this primitive to modify the string.
int is_path_separator(int ch)
The is_path_separator( ) primitive tells if a character is
one of the characters that separate directory or drive names in a
file name. It returns 1 if the character is "\" or "/",
2 if the character is ":", otherwise 0 . Under Unix, it
returns 1 if the character is "/", otherwise 0 .
user char path_sep;
The path_sep variable contains the character for
separating directory names. It is "\" under Windows,
"/" under Unix.
add_final_slash(char *fname)
drop_final_slash(char *fname)
The add_final_slash( ) primitive adds a path separator
character like / or \ to the end of fname , if there
isn't one already. The drop_final_slash( ) primitive
removes the last character of fname if it's a path separator.
These primitives never count : as a path separator.
abbreviate_file_name(char *file, int room)
The abbreviate_file_name( ) subroutine defined in disp.e
modifies the filename file so it's no more than room
characters long, by replacing sections of it with an ellipsis
(... ). If file is no more than room characters long to
begin with, it won't be changed. Values of room less than 10
will be treated as 10 .
int is_remote_file(char *fname)
char url_services[50] = "ftp|http|telnet|scp|ssh";
int remote_file_type(char *fname)
The is_remote_file( ) primitive tells whether fname
looks like a valid URL. It returns 1 if fname starts with a
service name like ftp://, http://, or telnet://, or 2 if fname
appears to be an Emacs-style remote file name like /hostname:filename.
It uses the url_services variable to determine which service
names are valid; this must be a series of | -separated names.
The remote_file_type( ) subroutine is
somewhat similar; it tries to determine if a file fname refers to
a remote directory, a file pattern, or some other sort of thing. It
returns 1 if fname doesn't have the format of a remote file
(so it might be a local file), 2 if its syntax is invalid, 3
if it's a remote file that specifies a service other than ftp or scp,
4 if there's no file name after its host name, 5 if it uses
wildcards, 6 if it ends in a path separator, or 7 if it uses
~ to name a user's home directory and has no file name
following that.
If none of these cases apply, the subroutine contacts the remote
system to test whether fname refers to a directory or a file, and
returns 8 if it's a directory, otherwise 0 . (A value of 0
doesn't indicate there's necessarily a file by that name, just that
there is no directory by that name.) While Epsilon is first starting
up, the subroutine returns 9 instead of contacting the remote
system, since Epsilon can't respond to a site's password request until
it has finished initializing, and this synchronous test could
otherwise block it from finishing its initialization..
get_executable_directory(char *dir)
get_executable_file(char *dest, char *prog, int quoted)
The get_executable_directory( ) function stores the full
pathname of the directory containing the Epsilon executable into
dir . The get_executable_file( ) function uses this; it
writes into dest the full pathname of a file prog in the same
directory as Epsilon's executable. If quoted is nonzero, the file
name is inside a pair of quote characters, for use in a command line.
look_up_tree(char *res, char *file, char *dir, char *stop)
int is_in_tree(char *file, char *tree) /* files.e subr. */
The look_up_tree( ) subroutine searches for file in the
given directory dir , its parent directory, and so forth, until it
finds a file named file or reaches the root directory. If it
finds such a file, it returns nonzero and puts the absolute pathname
of the file into the character array res . If it doesn't find a
file with the given name, it returns zero and leaves res set to
the last file it looked for. If file is an absolute pathname to
begin with, it puts the same file name in res , and returns
nonzero if that file exists. If dir is a null pointer,
look_up_tree( ) begins at the current directory. If stop
is non-null, the function only examines child directories of the
directory stop . The function stops as soon as it reaches a
directory other than stop or one of its subdirectories. This
function assumes that all its parameters are in absolute pathname
The is_in_tree( ) subroutine returns nonzero if the pathname
file is in the directory specified by dir or one of its
subdirectories. Both of its parameters must be in absolute pathname
user char path_list_char;
The path_list_char variable contains the character separating
the directory names in a configuration variable like EPSPATH. It is
normally "; ", except under Unix, where it is ": ".
build_filename(char *result, char *pattern, char *file)
The build_filename( ) subroutine constructs file names from
name templates (see File Name Templates). It copies pattern
to result , replacing the various % template codes with
parts of file , which it obtains by calling primitives such as
get_tail( ) and get_extension( ). The
expand_string_template( ) subroutine in Modifying Strings provides a more generalized facility to do this.
int fnamecmp(char *f1, char *f2) /* buffer.e */
int filename_rules(char *fname)
The fnamecmp( ) subroutine compares two file names like the
strcmp( ) primitive, returning 0 if they're equal, a positive
number if the first comes before the second, or a negative number
otherwise. However, it does case-folding on the file names first if
this is appropriate for the particular file systems.
The filename_rules( ) primitive asks the operating system if
a certain file system is case-sensitive or case-preserving, and
returns other information too. It takes the name of any file or
directory (which doesn't have to exist) on the file system, and
returns a code whose values are represented by macros defined in
codes.h. See File Name Case for more information on
how Epsilon determines the appropriate code for each file system.
The FSYS_CASE_IGNORED code indicates a non-case-preserving
file system like DOS. The FSYS_CASE_PRESERVED code
indicates a case-preserving file system like NTFS or VFAT. The
FSYS_CASE_SENSITIVE code indicates a case-sensitive file
system like Unix. The FSYS_CASE_UNKNOWN code indicates
that Epsilon couldn't determine anything about the file system.
The function also returns a bit flag FSYS_SHORT_NAMES ,
valid whenever any code but FSYS_CASE_UNKNOWN is returned, that
indicates whether only 8+3 names are supported. Use the mask macro
FSYS_CASE_MASK to strip off this bit: for example, the
(filename_rules(f) & FSYS_CASE_MASK) == FSYS_CASE_SENSITIVE
is nonzero if the file system is case-sensitive.
The primitive also may return a bit indicating the type of drive a
file is located on, if Epsilon can determine this.
FSYS_NETWORK indicates the file is on a different computer
and is being accessed over a network. FSYS_CDROM indicates
the file is on a CD-ROM disk. FSYS_REMOVABLE indicates the
file is on a removable medium like a floppy disk or Zip disk. And
FSYS_LOCAL indicates the file is on a local (non-network)
hard disk. At most one of the these bits will be present.
Epsilon for Unix returns FSYS_CASE_SENSITIVE for all files,
even if they happen to lie on a file system that might use different
rules natively. It can't detect the type of drive a file is on
int ok_file_match(char *s) /* complete.e */
The ok_file_match( ) subroutine checks a file name to see if
the ignore_file_extensions variable should exclude it from
completion. It returns 0 if the file name should be excluded,
or 1 if the file name is acceptable.
char *lookpath(char *file, ?int curdir)
char *look_on_path(char *file, int flags, char *path, ?int skip)
The lookpath( )
primitive looks in various standard Epsilon
directories for a readable file with the supplied name. As soon as
Epsilon locates the file, it returns the file's name. If it can't
find the file, it returns a null pointer. See How Epsilon Finds its Files
for more information on Epsilon's searching rules. The
look_on_path( ) primitive is similar, but you can specify
the path to use, and it offers some additional flexibility. These
primitives will be described together.
First (for either primitive), if the specified file name is an
absolute pathname, Epsilon simply checks to see if the file exists,
and returns its name if it does, or a null pointer otherwise.
Next, if you call lookpath( ) with its optional parameter
curdir nonzero (or if you call look_on_path( ) with the flag
PATH_ADD_CUR_DIR ), Epsilon looks for the file in the
current directory. If curdir is zero or omitted (or
PATH_ADD_CUR_DIR isn't specified), Epsilon skips this step
(unless the file name explicitly refers to the current directory,
like ".\filename ").
The lookpath( ) primitive next looks for the
file as explained in How Epsilon Finds its Files, looking along your
EPSPATH, or a default one.
Similarly, look_on_path( ) searches the provided path , which
is in the same format as an EPSPATH, a list of directory names
separated by semicolons for Windows, colons for Unix. The
PATH_ADD_EXE_DIR bit makes it search in the executable's
directory, like -w32 does for lookpath( ). The
PATH_ADD_EXE_PARENT bit makes it search the executable's
parent directory. It does both of these additional checks, when
enabled, in the above order and just before searching the given path.
By default, look_on_path( ) only searches for files with the
specified name. Add the PATH_PERMIT_DIRS flag if you want
it to also return directories with that name. With the
PATH_PERMIT_WILDCARDS flag, you can use a file pattern like
*.c as the file name. The primitive will return the first
matching file name.
If you supply look_on_path( ) with an optional skip parameter
of n, it will skip over the first n matches it finds (so long
as its parameter is a relative pathname). You can use this to reject
a file and look for the next one on a path.
The value returned by each of these functions is only valid until the
next time you call one of them. Copy the returned file name if you
want to preserve it.
convert_to_8_3_filename(char *fname, ?int from8_3)
Windows, the convert_to_8_3_filename( ) primitive modifies
the given file name by converting all long file names in fname to
their short "8.3" file name aliases. Each component of a short file
name has no more than eight characters, a dot, and no more than three
more characters. For example, the file name "c:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows
Explorer.lnk" might be translated to an equivalent file name of
"c:\Windows\STARTM~1\Programs\WINDOW~1.LNK". If the optional from8_3 argument is nonzero,
Epsilon translates in the reverse direction. Non-Windows versions of
Epsilon will not modify the file name.
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Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.