Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Command Reference >
Build a list of prior customizations.
This command constructs an einit.ecm customization file based on the
customizations recorded in your state file for a previous version of
Epsilon. It looks for variable definitions, key bindings, color
settings and so forth. The new definitions are added to the end of
your einit.ecm file, and Epsilon will use them the next time it
starts. Epsilon comments out any previous settings in that file, and
deletes previous settings it commented out on a previous run. With a
numeric argument, it doesn't comment out or delete previous settings.
It works by running the previous version of Epsilon with no
customizations loaded, having it generate a complete list of settings,
and then comparing that list to the results when the previous version
of Epsilon runs with your customized settings. Each difference
represents a particular customization.
First it displays the settings it will use for the above process. You
can edit them if necessary, for instance to refer to the files of a
different installed version that Epsilon didn't automatically locate.
If your previous configuration loaded any EEL extension files to
define new commands, you should list them on the settings page shown.
Also see the clean-customizations and list-customizations
More info:
Updating from an Old Version

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.