Epsilon User's Manual and Reference >
Command Reference >
Build a list of current customizations.
This command constructs an einit.ecm customization file based on your
current set of variable definitions, key bindings, color settings,
loaded EEL extensions, and so forth. The new definitions are added to
the end of your einit.ecm file, and Epsilon will use them the next
time it starts. Epsilon comments out any previous settings in that
file, and deletes previous settings it commented out on a previous
run. With a numeric argument, it doesn't comment out or delete
previous settings.
It works by running another copy of Epsilon with no customizations
loaded, having it generate a complete list of settings, and then
comparing that list to current settings. Each difference represents a
particular customization.
Some definitions and settings may be the result of loading an EEL
extension file. Rather than list these individually, this command
lists just the EEL source file name. It displays all EEL source files
it knows of, before it starts, and you can edit this list if you like.
Also see the clean-customizations and import-customizations
More info:
Building Command Files
Changing Epsilon

Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.